929. Unique Email Addresses
Link: Unique Email Addresses
Brutal Force Solution
This question is pretty simple (and it actually is an esay one). A naive approache is, split the name and domain.
For the name, remove every thing after first ‘+’, and then replace all ‘.’ as empty. For the domain, just keep it is.
Then, use a set to make sure every thing is unique. After processed all emails, count the length of the set.
class Solution: def numUniqueEmails(self, emails): """ :type emails: List[str] :rtype: int """ hist = set() cnt = 0 for email in emails: name, domain = email.split('@') name = name.split('+')[0] name=name.replace('.', '') if name + '@' + domain not in hist: hist.add(name+'@'+domain) cnt += 1 return cnt
Time: O(n)
Space: O(n)